Lubricants etc.
The co o la nt Is a m ixture of w ater and
antifreeze. In pro d u ctio n , the cooling
system is filled with an antifreeze-
water m ixture o ffering p ro te ctio n to
approx. -2 2 ° F (-30° C). The red mark
on the te m p e ra tu re gauge in the
instrum ent clu ste r is m atched to this
antifreeze-w ater m ixture (approx.
boiling p oint 257° F /125°C ). The p ro
tection against co rro sio n is also en
sured by this m ixture m aking it un
necessary to add a co rro sio n in h ib i
The coolant rem ains in the cooling
system all year round and m ust be
renewed after 2 years at the latest.
This applies also to tra ile r operation,
hard driving and to vehicles driven in
tropical countries.
If coolant has leaked fro m the cooling
system, replace the m issing quantity
with w ater and a recom m ended brand
of antifreeze. For norm al re p le n ish
m ent (due to evaporation of water)
plain water will do.
The w ater should be clean, soft to
m edium soft and contain the m in i
m um a m ount of scale fo rm in g
m inerals (p otable w ater quality).
The co o la nt m ixtu re should always
contain enough antifreeze to ensure
protection to a m inim um of -4 ° F
(-2 0 ° C).
If antifreeze is not available, add a
co rro sio n in h ib ito r to the cooling
w ater to ensure p ro p e r protection
against co rro sio n . To tre a t the c o o l
ing water, do not use m ore than 1 %
(10 cc c m /l) of a recom m ended
co rro sio n in h ib ito r.
W ithout antifreeze in the cooling
system , the w ater already starts b o il
ing at approx. 224° F (118° C), w hich
means th a t the po in te r of the te m p e r
ature gauge in the in stru m e n t clu ste r
may still be below the red m ark.
P rior to the onset of the cold season,
check the co o la nt fo r its resistance to
cold. Repeat this check during the
cold spell. Regular testing of the
antifreeze con ce n tra tio n is carried out
only at each MERCEDES-BENZ
m aintenance service.
To prevent dam age to the cooling
system , fill only with recom m ended
brands of antifreeze.
station will readily advise you on
reco m m e n d e d antifreeze brands.
P rotection
up to
A ntifreeze
- 4° F
4.5/3.7 U S /Im p. qts.
(-2 0 ° C)
(4.25 I)
-2 2 ° F
5.8/4.8 U S /Im p . qts.
(-3 0 ° C)
(5.50 I)
-4 0 ° F
6 .6/5.5 U S /Im p. qts.
(-4 0 ° C)
(6.25 I)
Содержание 300 SD 1978
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Страница 52: ...Practical Hints 51...
Страница 68: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 67...
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