Service Literature
Custom ers w ho are interested in o rd e rin g service lite ra tu re fo r
th e ir vehicles are advised to co n ta ct o u r su b sid ia rie s in the U.S.
or Canada at the follow ing addresses, respectively
fo r U.S.A.:
M ercedes-B enz of N.A. Inc.
One M ercedes Drive
P.O. Box 350
M ontvale, New Jersey 07645
Att: Technical P ublications
Tel: (201) 573-0600
fo r Canada:
M ercedes-B enz of Canada
849 Eglinton Ave., East
T oronto 17, Ont., Canada
Att: Service D epartm ent
Tel: 416-425-3550
The above com panies w ill be happy to handle any such
requests fro m custom ers.
We co n sid er this to be the best way in o b ta in in g accurate
inform ation fo r your vehicle.
P r in t e d in G e r m a n y
W e re s e rv e the rig h t to m o d ify th e te c h n ic a l d e ta ils o f th e v e h ic le as g iv e n in the
d a ta a n d illu s tra tio n s o f th is O w n e r's M a n u a l (s.e .e .o.). R e p rin tin g , tra n s la tio n a nd
c o p y in g , even o f e x c e rp ts , is n o t p e rm itte d w ith o u t o u r p r io r a u th o riz a tio n in w r it
ZK D III. 78. 6. PVL
Содержание 300 SD 1978
Страница 1: ......
Страница 2: ......
Страница 3: ......
Страница 7: ......
Страница 8: ...Vehicle Operation...
Страница 10: ...Instruments and Controls 9...
Страница 12: ...Instrument Cluster FASTEN BELTS 9 0 3 9 11...
Страница 33: ......
Страница 34: ...Driving 33...
Страница 46: ...Vehicle Care 45...
Страница 52: ...Practical Hints 51...
Страница 68: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 67...
Страница 79: ......