Repair Manual MAN-00
/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the
manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present
document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Air Filter Element - Replace
Do not clean the air filter element.
Replace Air filter element at 40000 kms or early if required.
Do not attempt to Clean and reuse the Air filter element.
Air filter element to be replaced at every 40000kms or earlier
in dusty conditions.
Nut/ Bolt description
Quantity Nos. Spanner Size
Torque Value – Nm.
Air filter top cover allen bolt
Hose clamps – air cleaner to manifold
6 mm
11 mm.
11 mm.
4.5 ± 0.5
2.5 ± 0.5
4.5 ± - 0.5
Refer illustration shown above –
Open the clean and dirty sides hose clip & remove the hose.
Open the Air cleaner Top cover bolts.
Remove the Air filter element along with grates and clean the bottom bowl.
Separate the top as well as bottom grates and replace the air filter element; assemble the
grates & put the assembly back in place. Position the new element properly. Take care of
lug projections.
Assemble the top cover & tighten the top cover bolts diagonally.
Assemble the clean hose on the air cleaner outlet-Air Mass Sensor neck and tighten the
hose clip.
Air Filter Element - Replacement
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