Repair Manual MAN-00
/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the
manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present
document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
(While assembling hold the spacer between fingers
such that the valve stems hangs down vertically.
Pull down the stem downwards as far as possible.
Observe if the valve stem has moved freely
upwards. If movement is not free replace valve
Remove the valve seal from the valve stem.
The bore and the plunger should be checked for
scoring, scuffing uneven wear marks, corrosion and
excessive clearance between plunger & body
Check the condition of dust cover for cut,
deterioration if damaged replace.
The assembly procedure is the reverse of the
dismantling procedure.
While fitting the plunger lubricate it with brake
Slave cylinder overhaul –
Remove the Bundy pipe from the inlet.
Remove the slave cylinder from the mounting
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