Repair Manual MAN-00
/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the
manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present
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Trouble Shooting
Unless the cause of a clutch problem is extremely obvious, accurate problem diagnosis will require a
road test to confirm that the problem exists. To find out the actual root cause of the problem the
clutch will have to be dismantled and the failed parts examined to determine the cause.
During road test, drive the vehicle in normal operating speeds. Shift the gears and observe the clutch
action. If chatter, grab, slip or improper release is experienced, remove & inspect the parts. However
if problem is noise or hard shift then the problem may not be in clutch only but also the transmission
or the driveline.
If the clutch slip is suspected then drive the vehicle in 1
or 2
gear at the top speed (corresponding
to the gear). Keeping the accelerator fully pressed, slowly apply the brake- with your left feet. If the
engine stalls then the clutch is not slipping.
Clutch Problem Causes –
Fluid contamination is the most frequent cause of clutch malfunction. Oil, water on the clutch contact
surface will cause faulty operation viz. Slip, grab, and judder.
During inspection check if any parts in the clutch are coated with oil or water splash from road.
Oil contamination indicates a leak at either rear main seal or transmission-input shaft. The oil leaks
from either of these areas will normally coat the housing interior or clutch cover or flywheel. Heat
build up due to slippage between the clutch plate and the flywheel or the pressure plate can result
into the leaked oil literally getting baked. Visually this will result in a glazed residue varying from
amber to black.
Roads splash contamination will mean that the dirt water is entering the clutch housing either due to
loose bolt or torn rubber boot.
Clutch misalignment –
The clutch component i.e. the clutch plate, flywheel and the pressure plate have to be aligned with
the crankshaft and the transmission input shaft. Misalignment caused by runouts/ warpage will cause
clutch to grab judder as well as improper release (also manifesting as hard gearshift).
Flywheel runout –
The flywheel runout needs to be checked whenever misalignment is suspected. Flywheel runout
should not exceed 0.10 mm.
To measure the runout mount the base of the magnetic dial gauge on the block. Locate the dial
gauge’s needle on the outer surface of the flywheel.
Some of the common reasons for excessive runout are:
Heat warpage.
Improper machining.
Incorrect bolt tightening
Foreign material on crankshaft flange or flywheel.
Improper seating on crankshaft.
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