Repair Manual MAN-00
/Rev 1
The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the technical specifications at the time of release. The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the
manufacturer in the production of the various component units and accessories from which the vehicles are manufactured. The reproduction, translation, transmission, in part or whole of the present
document, are prohibited without the prior written consent of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. The use of this document by any person other than the trained personnel, at the Authorized Service Centre of
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., will amount to unauthorized use and shall be liable for penalty/prosecution© 2012 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Remove the vacuum hose from the vacuum pump in
alternator to booster.
Drain the oil from the sump.
Attach lifting device.
Remove the front insulators mounting bolts,
Remove the gearbox mounting Allen screws.
Pull out and lift the engine from the engine
Dismantling -
After removing the engine from the vehicle mount it on the engine stand.
Remove the rocker cover
Remove the High-pressure pipes.
Remove the leak off pipe.
Loosen the Viscous Fan Drives nut.
Loosen the water pump nut.
Note that the threads are anticlockwise threads. Hence
to loosen then the direction of rotation has to be
clockwise when viewed from front
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