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Copyright © 2020 LG Electronics Inc.
All rights reserved. Only training and service purposes.
Safety Precautions
Do not store or use flammable gas or
combustibles near the air conditioner.
• There is risk of fire or failure of product.
Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock.
Prepare for strong wind or earthquake and
install the unit at the specified place.
• Improper installation may cause the unit to top-
ple and result in injury.
Do not install the product on a defective
installation stand.
• It may cause injury, accident, or damage to the
When installing and moving the air condition-
er to another site, do not charge it with a
different refrigerant from the refrigerant
specified on the unit.
• If a different refrigerant or air is mixed with the
original refrigerant, the refrigerant cycle may
malfunction and the unit may be damaged.
Do not reconstruct to change the settings of
the protection devices.
• If the pressure switch, thermal switch, or other
protection device is shorted and operated
forcibly, or parts other than those specified by
LGE are used, fire or explosion may result.
Ventilate before operating air conditioner
when gas leaked out.
• It may cause explosion, fire, and burn.
Securely install the cover of control box and
the panel.
• If the cover and panel are not installed securely,
dust or water may enter the outdoor unit and fire
or electric shock may result.
If the air conditioner is installed in a small
room, measures must be taken to prevent the
refrigerant concentration from exceeding the
safety limit when the refrigerant leaks.
• Consult the dealer regarding the appropriate
measures to prevent the safety limit from being
exceeded. Should the refrigerant leak and cause
the safety limit to be exceeded, harzards due to
lack of oxygen in the
room could result
Use a vacuum pump or inert(nitrogen) gas when
doing leakage test or air purge. Do not compress
air or Oxygen and do not use flammable gas es.
Otherwise, it may cause fire or explosion.
• There is the risk of death, injury, fire or explo-