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Self-diagnosis function
1. Communication cables are not connected between
External PCB and indoor PCB
2. Communication cables are not connected between
Main PCB and External PCB
3. Communication cables are not connected between
Main PCB and Communication PCB
4. Communication cables are short/open
5. Indoor PCB power off
6. Defect of outdoor Cycle/Communication/indoor PCB
7. Communication wire connection fault
Error Type
Error Point
Main Reasons
In case Main PCB can’t
receive signal from indoor
Communication error
(Indoor unit
Main PCB)
Error diagnosis and countermeasure flow chart
Check communication cable
and installation
1. Check communication cable between External and indoor PCB
Re-connect communication cable
2. Check communication cable between Cycle and External PCB
Re-connect communication cable
3. Check communication cable between Cycle and Communication PCB
Re-connect communication cable
4. Check communication cable soldering correctly
Replace communication cable
1. Is indoor unit quantity correct after auto addressing
Check Communication PCB
2. Check communication PCB LED blinking
Replace communication PCB
3. Auto addressing after replace Communication PCB
Check outdoor Main PCB
Is communication cable
connected correctly?
Supply power
Is power supplied
to indoor PCB?
Are quantity of indoor
Units installed same as
The data of LGMV?
In case of CH53, almost happened with CH05, the indoor units not operated actually are normal so check with same
method of CH05. and additionally check as shown as below and above flow chart
• Although the quantity of indoor units installed is same as LGMV data there may be a few indoor units with which the
number of communication is not increased with LGMV
• Although the quantity of indoor units installed is not same as LGMV data, and if communication of the indoor unit dis-
played at LGMV is done well then the indoor unit suspected to have some problem (and is not appear at LGMV) may
have following problems
wrong connection of communication cable or power cable
fault of power / PCB / communication cable
duplication of indoor unit number
• If communication is not doing well wholly then the Auto Addressing is not done
• The case that CH53 appear at indoor unit also Auto Addressing is not done so indoor unit address may be duplicated
* After replacement of indoor unit PCB, Auto Addressing should be done, if central controller is installed then the
central control address also should be input.
In case that only communication PCB is replaced above process is not needed