Three-Sources Management System
tion and user manual
OFF mode - The euipment is off and no actions are performed in this mode. All measurement and state LED displays
remain active. If the transfer device control is of the pulse type, both open/close controls remains deactivated in OFF
mode. In continuous control mode, instead, the behaviour may be selected by means of P07.n.06. Set to OFF mode before
accessing the programming menus. Press the OFF-RESET button to reset the retaining alarms providing the conditions
which generated the alarm have been removed.
MAN (manual) mode - The breakers can be controlled manually in manual mode. The breaker to be controlled can be
selected on the display by pressing buttons << and >>. The selected breaker appears surrounded by a blinking box. Press
the OPEN and CLOSE buttons to change the selected breaker state.
If the closing of a breaker is manually controlled while one other breaker is still closed, the euipment will not allow the
simultaneous closing.
When working with gensets, the starting and stopping of the genset can be manually controlled in the manner similar
to that of the breakers. In this case, the MAN button must be held pressed to start and stop the genset. The genset corre-
sponding to the breaker highlighted by the blinking box will be started.
AUT (Automatic) mode - In automatic mode, the euipment autonomously carries out the opening and closing operations
of the breakers and to start and stop any gensets. When the priority line is out of limits for a time higher than the set delay
(green line presence LED off), the device disconnects the load from the priority line and connects to the immediately next
priority line, starting of the genset (if applicable) and managing the operation and interlock times. The euipment can be
programmed to open the priority line breaker either before or after the alternative line is made available .
When the priority line return within the limits, the device switches the load back onto it and runs the genset cooling cycle,
if needed. The automatic return to priority lines can be locked. If possible and necessary, the load can be transferred with
closed transition, i.e. with the two power sources momentarily in parallel. There are very many automatic operating cycles
which vary according to the defined system configuration (14 possibilities) and according to the type of transfer devices
used (motorised breakers, motorised changeover switches or contactors). Refer to the possible system configurations and
the respective truth tables which describe the system behaviour in automatic mode.
TEST mode - In test mode, the euipment starts the gensets, if present, to test their operation. If the TEST button is held
pressed for 5 seconds, the euipment will run a cycle which simulates loss of the priority line anticipated by a notification
message with conseuent load transfer.
Caution: this will momentarily interrupt power supply to the load. Lack of the secondary line is then simulated with the
further transfer to the third line, if present. Two minutes later, the cycle will go back to the secondary line and finally to
the main line in seuence. During this cycle, the message SIMUL appears on the display with a countdown to indicate TEST
progress. The simulation cycle may be started on the command menu.
Energising the euipment
• 422684 has two power supplies: 100-240VAC or 12-24-48VDC. Priority is given to the AC power if both are present at the
same time.
• The euipment is normally set to the OFF mode when it is switched on. Modify parameter P01.03 in the M01 Utility menu
if the operating mode selected before switch-off must be maintained.
• If may be powered at 12 or at 48VDC but the battery voltage must be set correctly in the M04 battery menu otherwise
a battery voltage alarm will be generated.
• All LEDs blink during the energising procedure to check operation.
Main menu
• The main menu consists of a set of graphic icons which allow rapid access to measurements and settings.
• Press button
starting from the normal measurement view. The rapid menu appears on the display.
• Press
to turn clockwise/anticlockwise and select the reuired function. The selected icon is highlighted and the
message in the middle of the display indicates the description of the function.
• Press
to activate the selected function.
• If some functions are not available, the corresponding icon will be deactivated, i.e. will greyed out.
etc. - Operate as short cuts which allow to speed up access to pages for displaying measurements, going directly to
the selected measurement unit, from which it is possible to move forwards and backwards are usual.
- Setting the numeric code which allows to access protected functions (setting parameters, executing controls).
- Parameter programming access point. See the dedicated chapter.
- Control menu access point, where authorised users can perform a number of resetting and restoring operations.
- Access point to statistic operating data supplied by the controller.
- Access point to the events list.
2. Operating modes