The timing characteristics of the
compressor are generated adaptively
according to the incoming signal
structure. The overall timing can be set
up from fast and responsive settings
(lower numbers) to relaxed settings
(higher numbers) without detailed access
to the actual micro timings. The names
behind some of the numbers may help to
easily find adequate values to your
content. Alternatively the timings of
Attack and Release (return to neutral)
can be set up manually. In this case they
are not adaptive to the input.
Settling time after exceeding threshold.
Defined as the time period to achieve
63% of full reduction according to signal
Time constant for the process to return to zero after signal fallback
below threshold. The system returns with 8.6dB per time constant.
Detector Speed
The internal level detector of the compressor is configurable with three
settings [Peak / RMS / Link To Attack]:
the system detects every single signal peak and reacts accordingly
with fast and appropriate gain reduction.
Instead of 'riding on peaks' the detector analyses the energy of the
signal and reacts with a more moderate and more 'musical' reduction.
Link To Attack
The length of analysis is coupled to the setting of Attack. With a slower
attack the RMS analysis is based on a longer portion of the signal. On
the other hand a fast Attack setting brings the analysis very close to
the Peak behavior.
Soft Limiter
When working in a non-loudness based audio environment, it became
common practice to use the output limiter (typically set to -9dBFS) as
a creative tool for compression. In a modern, loudness based studio
this option got lost. As a substitute, the new Soft Limiter brings back
the option of using a dedicated sample peak limiter with soft knee
characteristics for the microphone processing chain.
Signals above threshold are processed, signals below pass
unaffected. Please be aware that this is only true when Knee
is set to '0'.
The Knee parameter allows the user to decide whether the transition
from linear to processed happens immediately at threshold (so called
hard knee) or if a transition range (soft knee) is applied in which the
ratio is steadily raised from 1:1 at the lower knee end up to the defined
ratio at the upper range (see picture).
Processing Profile
The timing characteristics of the Soft Limiter are generated adaptively
according to the incoming signal structure. The overall timing can be
set up from fast and responsive settings (lower numbers) to relaxed
settings (higher numbers) without detailed access to the actual micro
release timings. The names behind some of the numbers may help to
easily find adequate values to your content.
Transient Mode
With the transient mode enabled the response curve of the Soft
Limiter is reduced down to infinity to one. This is useful in settings
where a wide knee may not have run out fully before full scale is
soft knee
soft limiter
soft knee
soft limiter
transient mode
Jünger Audio – Downward Compressor and
Soft Limiter