– Spectral Signature
Spectral Signature is a highly sophisticated dynamic multiband filter to boost (or reduce) spectral parts
of the processed audio signal dynamically. It punches through a reference spectrum to the processed
audio signal.
Program / Section
["Left" / "Right" / Preset]
For stereo operation the name assigned to "Voice 1" will be displayed.
Selects the source for which Spectral Signature will be displayed.
This selection depends on the Voice Channel Mode
(see SYSTEM > Setup > Voice Channel Mode).
Since this view does not allow the display of a preset page side by side
as usual, one must select "Preset" to get to the preset editor.
Applicable only if SYSTEM > Setup > Voice Channel Mode = Stereo.
You can select which channel must actually be displayed (see also LI
[ON / OFF]
Enables / disables Spectral Signature for the selected section.
Please note: For convenient operation, this function is also available
(in the Expert section, see below) within the web interface.
Graph (upper)
The upper graph is a metering window, illustrating the difference
between the input (dotted line) and the output (solid line) signal.
This window can be used in two different ways:
Input / Output Spectrum
Absolute Gate Threshold
[alternative selection]
The spectrum is shown in absolute values (related to digital full scale).
This is very helpful to get an impression of the frequency response of the
signal. Also, in this mode the absolute gate threshold can be set within the
graph by grabbing and dragging the lower transparent sphere.
The gate LED row at the bottom indicates whether the absolute or
relative gate of the band is closed (yellow) or open (green). A gray LED
indicates that the band is switched out.
Normalized Gain
[alternative selection]
This is very useful to see the actual amount of amplification or
attenuation within each band. In this setting the Absolute Gate
Threshold cannot be set.