Configuring parameters
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 71 / 118
If an artist/track/album track exceeds 14 chara c-
ters, the rest is truncated and not displayed on the
This mode generates the lowest bus load, as a tele-
gram is only transmitted if the title actually chan g-
Volume delay [ms]
Sets the time delay between two steps of the rela-
tive volume control ("Dimmer").
'Empty List' display text
Empty List
Sets the value which accepts communication object
26 <<Playlist name>> if there are no tracks to play in
the playback queue on the Sonos master.
'Unsaved List' display text
Unsaved List
Sets the value which accepts communication object
26 <<Playlist name>> if a track is selected in the
playback queue that does not come from a saved
Sonos playlist.
<<Group <n>>> tab (define master-slave groups)
There is a tab for each mas ter-s lave group into which you enter the mas ter and s lave devices ' IP addres s es .
The Sonos devices are identified by their IP addres s . A correctly configured mas ter-s lave group cons is ts of
the mas ter as a minimum. If a mas ter needs to be able to control other Sonos devices as s laves , select the
required number in the <<Group <n> – Number of s laves >> setting. Then enter the Sonos devices ' IP addres s -
es in the corres ponding <<Group <n> – Slave <m>>> fields .
Mas ter s lave groups can control cons iderably more than five Sonos devices with one mas ter
des pite the limit of five s laves per mas ter.
Figure 7: A mas ter controls max. 51 Sonos devices , including its elf, p. 29
Tab to configure the master -slave groups not available?
To ens ure that the tabs to configure the master-s lave groups are available, you need to s elect the required
number of groups in the <<General>> tab in the <<Configuration of the master-s lave group>> s etting. If you
have s elected the value <<3 groups >>, for example, you will be offered three <<Group <n>>> tabs .
Configuration of the slaves in the m aster-slave group not available?
To be able to configure s laves , you need to s elect <<Yes >>in the <<General>> tab in the <<Support for dynamic
group creation (master/s lave)>> s etting.
During the running time, you cannot s imply add any Sonos device as a s lave. You can only add thos e Sonos
devices that you have defined as s uch in the <<Group <n>>>
<<Settings >> tab in the configuration for the
mas ter-s lave group concerned.