Commis s ioning and configuration
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 59 / 118
Determining compatibility between the product database entry and fir m-
ware version
So that you can us e the device's new functions , the vers ion of the firmware us ed mus t be compatible with the
vers ion of the device's application program in the project. The application program is part of the product data-
bas e entry.
The application program vers ion can be found in the ETS under <<Properties >> under the tab
<<Application program>> under <<Program vers ion>>.
Determining compatibility at a glance - fully compatible
The vers ions are fully compatible if the main vers ion of the application program and firmware are identical.
The vers ion numbers are structured according to the following s cheme: <<Main vers ion no.>>.<<Sub-vers ion
Example 1: Full compatibility with same main version numbers
Firmware vers ion: 2.3
Application program vers ion: 2.0
However, you might s till have to update the application program in order to be able to us e all new
functions .
Updating a product in the exis ting project, p. 54
Incompatible: Main version number of the firmware is higher than that of the application program number
If the new firmware has a higher main vers ion number than that of the application program, the vers ions are
incompatible. You must unins tall the application in the ETS in s uch a cas e. The device is not configured after
it is unins talled but it keeps its phys ical KNX addres s :
However, it remains in the existing projects .
The device keeps the vers ion of the application program in the ETS.
The entire parametris ation is rejected.
Us er data in the ETS is pres erved.
Example 2: Incompatibility if the main version number of the firmware is higher
Firmware vers ion: 2.3
Application program vers ion: 1.3