Bas ic information
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 28 / 118
Master-slave groups
A master-s lave group is the logic grouping of s ix Sonos devices in the KNX Sonos Gateway. Mas ter-s lave
groups bring Sonos devices together, s o that mus ic can be played in all the mas ter-s lave group's rooms in
s ynchronis ation. If s everal rooms form part of a master-s lave group, they behave as one room with regard to
The master-s lave group are dynamically created and als o diss olved again during the running time (dynamic
group creation). A mas ter-s lave group is a Sonos group which compris es a s ubs et of the available Sonos
devices which can be us ed for group creation in the Sonos software. Application example
enables dynamic group creation, p. 15.
Risk of confusion
Sonos devices can als o be assembled in groups or stereo pairs in the Sonos s oftware. The
Sonos device in the Sonos software to which you add other Sonos devices when creating a
group takes on the role of the mas ter while the added Sonos devices adopt the role of s lave.
Group creation in the Sonos software thus als o has an effect on a Sonos device's available func-
tions in master-s lave groups .
Key data:
A master-s lave group contains a s ingle mas ter.
You can as s ign up to five s laves to each master by configuring s laves in a mas ter-s lave group.
You can us e an KNX Sonos Gateway to configure up to ten mas ter-s lave groups and thus configure
up to 60 different devices .
As of the date this documentation was printed, Sonos s upports a total of up to 32
Sonos products and controllers in a s ingle hous ehold. The maximum number of 60
different Sonos devices or 51 Sonos devices in one Sonos group us ing ten master-
s lave groups with the s ame mas ter can therefore only be attained theoretically.
A Sonos device can be configured as a master or s lave in the configuration s everal times over:
A Sonos device can be a mas ter in any number of mas ter-s lave groups .
A Sonos device can be a s lave in any number of mas ter-s lave groups .
A Sonos device can be configured as a master or s lave in different master-s lave groups
s imultaneous ly.
Both a master and s lave in the configuration, p. 30
A Sonos device is either a master or s lave during running time:
You can activate or deactivate the defined s laves in a mas ter-s lave group as you require.
A s lave belongs to the master for which it was las t activated.
If a Sonos device has the role of master before it was activated as a s lave, it los es its role as
a master and takes on the role of s lave.
A Sonos device remains a s lave until you releas e it us ing the <<Exit s lave mode>> commu-
nication object or remove it from the Sonos group in the Sonos s oftware.
You can make a Sonos group with up to 51 Sonos devices with all ten mas ter-s lave groups if you
make s uitable configuration s ettings des pite the limit to five s laves per master.
Figure 7: A mas ter controls max. 51 Sonos devices , including its elf, p. 29