Configure playlis ts on the device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 66 / 118
How can I rename a Sonos playlist?
Use your Sonos software, such as your app, to rename playlists.
Manual adjustment required
Renaming is not applied to the KNX environment automatically.
Search for the old name for the Sonos playlist among the playlists on the device website. Then
edit the name in the <<Source>> setting.
Announcement mode
Announcement mode is only available for the <<Sonos Playlis ts >> source type.
Announcements interrupt other s ources . The s ource which was interrupted is then played again once the
s ys tem has played through all the announcement tracks . The original group volume will als o be reins tated.
The return will have different effects , depending on the s ource:
Radio s tation: The s ystem will s witch back to the radio s tation.
Sonos playlis t: The playlis t resume playing precis ely at the point where it was interrupted.
The announcement mode does not have any influence on the group creation and only functions
like all s ources when the player configured as mas ter is not currently being us ed as a s lave.
Random playback or repeat is activated
If the random playback or repeat mode is activated, the announcement deactivates these modes for the dura-
tion of the announcement.
Announcements cons is ting of s everal tracks will always be played in the normal order and end after the
las t track.
Interruption due to selecting another source or due to stopping
If the announcement is interrupted by s electing a different source or by s topping, the KNX Sonos -Gateway
does not res tore the mode active before the announcement.
Paus ing the announcement does , however, activate immediate return to the previous playback mode.
Random playback
Random playback is only available for the <<Sonos Playlis ts >> s ource type. "Random" means that the tracks in
a Sonos playlis t are not played in the configured s equence; the playback s equence is random.
Risk of confusing "Shuffle" and "Random"
The random playback us ing the <<Random function>> corres ponds to the "Shuffle" function and
not "Random". Each track in the Sonos playlis t is played jus t once.