Configure playlis ts on the device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 62 / 118
Change master-slave group
You can identify which master-slave group is currently being displayed from the number in the <<Playlist con-
figuration for group>> fold -down list (see (1) in
Figure 18: Device website for playlist configuration , p. 61).
If you wis h to configure another master-s lave group, enter the number of the des ired group in the
<<Playlis t configuration for group>> fold-down lis t. This number refers to the number of the mas ter-
s lave group in the ETS.
Configuration of playlists without a connection established to the Sonos system
You can als o configure the playlis ts for groups without a connection to the Sonos s ys tem to be us ed at a later
point in time. It is thus pos s ible for the end us er to configure them before us ing the KNX Sonos -Gateway.
Special characteris tic: Since no connection has been es tablis hed, the s ources cannot be downloaded from the
Sonos s oftware. As a res ult, you need to enter the name in the <<Source>> s etting yours elf. The name must
match the name that you s pecify in the Sonos s oftware at a later stage. Take into account upper cas e and
lower cas e characters and the Sonos s ys tem naming conventions , s uch as the number of characters . Obvi-
ous ly, it is pos s ible to build up an internal s ys tem (e.g. through the us e of number ranges ) by "omitting" indi-
vidual numbers .
Table 13: Playlist configuration – settings on the <<Playlist assignment>> page
Descriptio n
Number of the item within the playlis t of the master-s lave group concerned.
<<Source type>>
Source type.
Pos s ible values :
Sonos Playlis ts
Radio s tations
Line-in (only available with Sonos Connect/Sonos Connect:Amp)
TV (only available with Sonos Playbar)
TV: Sonos Playbar
If the s ource is played and the Sonos Playbar is not the master of
the group, it automatically becomes this group's mas ter. The
previous mas ter becomes the s lave and is no longer able to con-
trol the group.