Device webs ite
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 41 / 118
Device website
You can acces s KNX Sonos Gateway via the “Device webs ite” application”.
The device webs ite offers the following functions (extract):
The master-s lave groups ' current s tatus is also dis played on the <<Device status >> page.
You can s ee immediately whether a Sonos device is currently a mas ter or s lave.
Res et to factory s ettings , p. 56
The device webs ite is run on your ins talled brows er. You do not require any additional s oftware.
Device website not displayed?
Caus e: The brows er used is s imply not s upported or the particular brows er vers ion is not sup-
We s upport current market s tandard brows ers s uch as Google Chrome, Micros oft Edge and
Mozilla Firefox in their current vers ions as a minimum (as of the date this documentation
was printed). Older vers ions of the brows ers may work. However, we recommend that you
keep your brows er up to date for s ecurity reas ons alone if nothing els e.
As s oon as the device is available you can acces s the device webs ite via the IP.
The device webs ite is pass word-protected. However, the device is already prepared for potential
future pas s word protection. The initial pas s word can be found on one of the product s tickers .
Device website: Calling up the start screen
Call up the device webs ite by actioning one of the following:
Enter the device’s IP addres s in the addres s bar of your brows er.
Alternatively, s elect the device in the network environment category <<Other devices >>
Figure12 [1]): Double click on the device icon (2).
Figure12: Calling up the device network via the network environme nt
The device website start page is displayed.