Step 5—Standard Parameter List
Variable Speed Drives Series III
LIT-12012996—April 2018
Force Open/Force Close Selection
The Force Open Selection would make the selected function
always off. Essentially this is a virtual switch that is always
open. The Force Close Selection would make the selected
function always on. Essentially this is a virtual switch that is
always closed. These options are assigned to a function if we
want to force a state without using a hardware input.
The standard options are DigIn: Force Open—indication that
the parameter function is always going to be open, that being
said depending on the logic of the function this could mean
the function is always not active or always active. When the
selection of a function is DigIN: Force Closed—indication that
the parameter function is always going to be closed, that
being said again depending on the location of the function
this could mean the function is always active or not active.
Examples of these options would be ID190 Start Signal 1,
when set to “Force Open” and the drive is
looking at I/O terminals for control, in this case the drive
would never start since this Function is always Open. If this
function is set to “Force closed” the drive would always be
in a start mode when in that control location.
If we set Run Enable to Force Closed the drive is always
enabled. If we set the same function to Force Open the drive
would never be Enabled. If a Digital input is to be used to
activate this Run Enable the function should be assigned to
a hardware input (See below for DIGIN Selections).
DIGIN Selection
This allows Assignment of a hardware digital input to a
function, this is set in a format of DigIN:X where X is one
of the 8 Digital inputs on the Main control board.
If we set Run Enable to DigIN:6 the drive will be enabled
when digital input 6 (Terminal 8) is closed, and would not
be enabled when digital input 6 (Terminal 8) is open.
Option Board digIN Selection
This allows Assignment of a hardware digital input on an
option card to a function, this is set in a format of DigIN:
Y:IO1:X where Y is the slot the option card is inserted on the
Main control board and X is the Input on the Board and IO1 is
the type of option board used.
If we set Run Enable to DigIN:A:IO5:6 the drive will be
enabled when digital input 6 is closed on the IO5 option card
which is inserted in Slot A, and would not be enabled when
digital input 6 on the option card is open.
Timer Channel Selection
A Time Channel is a virtual path to link the digital output of a
timer function to a digital input function. To utilize this feature
a timer or interval would need to be assigned to a time
channel 1 through 3, and the input function to be controlled
would need to be assigned to the same time channel.
If we set Run Enable to DigIN:TimeChannel1 the drive will be
enabled when the timer assigned to Time Channel 1 is active
or High, and would not be enabled when the Time Channel is
inactive or Low.
Table 6. Drive Communication Ports
Shielded wire recommended.
RJ45 Keypad Port
Upload/Download Parameters
USB to RJ45
Remote Mount Keypad
Upgrade Drive Firmware
USB to RJ45
RJ45 Ethernet Port
Upload/Download Parameters
BACnet/IP Communications
Modbus TCP Communications
RS-485 Serial Port
Upload/Download Parameters
Upgrade Drive Firmware
Two-Wire Twisted Pair
Modbus RTU Communications
Two-Wire Twisted Pair
BACnet MS/TP Communications
Two-Wire Twisted Pair
SA Bus
Two-Wire Twisted Pair