SP-20000M-PMCL / SP-20000C-PMCL
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If several defective pixels occur in series, 2 pixels in monochrome and 2 same color pixels in color
can be compensated.
Defective pixels
Defective pixels
Fig. 41 Compensation if defective pixels are in series
8.7 ALC
In the SP-20000M-PMCL and SP-20000C-PMCL, auto gain and auto exposure can be combined to
provide a wide ranging automatic exposure control from dark to bright or vice versa.
The functions are applied in the sequence shown below and if one function is disabled, the
remaining function will work independently.
If the lighting condition is changed from bright to dark ASC ― AGC
If the lighting condition is changed from dark to bright AGC ― ASC
Fig.42 ALC function
ALC Reference will determine the target video level for AGC and Auto Expsoure. For instance,
if ALC Reference is set to 100% video level, AGC and/or Auto Exposure will function to maintain
100% video level.
Gain is fixed at Min.
Dark Light changes Bright
Auto Shutter
Auto shutter operation
Max ~ Min (User set)
Auto Shutter
fixed at Min
AGC works:
Auto shutter works:
AGC operation
Max ~ Min (User set)
Operation if light changes
from dark to bright
Operation if light changes
from bright to dark