SP-20000M-PMCL / SP-20000C-PMCL
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7. Operating modes
7.1. Acquisition control (change the frame rate)
7.1.1 Acquisition control
With Trigger OFF (free-running mode), it is possible to specify a free-running frame rate (i.e.,
no trigger needed) that is slower than the default rate.
Modification of the frame rate is done by entering a value in the AcquisitionFrameRate control
corresponding to the number of microseconds to be allocated to each frame period. Allowed
values range from 1697Hz to 0.125Hz depending on the ROI and the tap geometry specified.
However if the value entered is less than the time required for the default frame rate, the
setting is ignored and the default frame rate is used. For example, in 1X2 if the value entered
is less than the time required at 80MHz Camera Link pixel clock, the minimum frame period for
the smallest possible ROI (2 lines) requires 424Hz, so any entry less than 424Hz will always be
ignored in this configuration.
The setting range in Acquisition Frame Rate is:
Inverse number of time
required to drive all pixels in
the area set by ROI command
inverse number of time
required to transmit one
frame data
0.125 Hz = 8 seconds
For additional details, refer to table 23.
Note: In the table 23, it is possible to set, for instance 7.8136 fps for 1X2–1Y, full frame and
80 MHzMHz of Camera Link pixel clock, but 7.8136 fps is the setting limit value. This value will
vary depending on shutter settings which will cause 1 H delay in conditions. 7.5 fps is the
performance guaranteed value.
How to set:
ROI should be set first.
The available number shown in Acquisition Frame Rate will correspond to the maximum frame
period for the specified ROI.
The value can be decreased up to 0.125Hz (fps).
If ROI is changed from a smaller size to a larger size, the default frame rate of the ROI is
automatically recalculated inside the camera and changed to the slower frame rate of the larger
ROI setting:
Height: 2 lines to 3840 lines for SP-20000M-PMCL
2 lines to 3840 lines for SP-20000C-PMCL
As for the details of ROI settings, refer to section 6.3.3.