CA-2103 “Athos” – RESET 1
Installation of the CA-2103 “Athos” – RESET 1 car alarm
in a vehicle that does not have remote control of central locking installed by the
In this mode the car alarm offers the following features:
control of the central locking of the vehicle (if installed) with the
remote control of the car alarm
control using the voice menu of the car alarm
checking the GPS (Global Positioning System) position of the car
alarm, including the possibility of sending SMS information on
leaving of a defined zone
user-friendly administration through the MyJABLOTRON
application, including the possibility of keeping the driver logbook
automatic sending of alarm and information SMS to up to 6 mobile
calling to preset phone numbers and sending a warning voice
signal in case of an alarm
determining the position of the vehicle using the LOCATOR (T-mobile)
sending data to the Jablotron Emergency Line
possibility of remote immobilization of the vehicle from a mobile phone
or the MyJABLOTRON application
remote control and programming from a mobile phone
securing the interior, cargo space of a vehicle or a garage with the use
of up to 24 wireless detectors of the JA-18x series
control of supplementary appliances (e.g. independent heating) using
the CR-11A or MCB02 expansion modules
setting through the C-Link program
1. Important warnings before installation
The car alarm is designed for installation in the vehicle interior carried out
by an expert. It is suitable for vehicles with the 12 V or 24 V board supply
and the negative battery pole connected to the ground.
Disconnect the battery before the installation. Make sure nobody is
present in the vehicle if you handle the battery in a car fitted with airbags.
Disconnection of the battery may also cause zeroing of some indicators of
the vehicle (clock, preset values etc.). During installation avoid drilling of
holes in metallic parts of the body. The manufacturer of the device is not
liable for damage caused by wrong or unsuitable application of the product.
The contacts of the car alarm immobilizer behave in accordance with the
settings in the SET program and you should consider which circuit is to be
blocked, accordingly. The immobilizer of the car alarm must not inhibit any
circuit that would hinder the activity of the electronic system of the vehicle
or saving of data after stopping of the engine in normal operation in any
If you install the car alarm in vehicles with the board voltage of 24 V, you
must use the 24 V siren instead of the siren delivered as standard. In this
case, you must also extend the confirmation impulse of the siren to 100, or
more ms.
For pressed joints use tools designed for this purpose. If you do not use
a conductor in the car alarm cabling, cut it 10 cm from the connector,
insulate it and tape it in the harness.
2. Wiring
output – sw12 V (24 V) / max. 1,3 A. Indicates
alarms (30 s) and confirms control signals.
Grey - door switch
input. Responds to connection or disconnection
from the ground. If switches are not installed, add them to all the cabin
White - INP1 input -
programmable input, responds to connection or
disconnection from the ground.
Yellow and white - INP2 input -
programmable input, responds to
connection or disconnection from the ground.
Orange - INP3 input -
programmable input, responds to connection or
disconnection from the ground.
Blue -
signal of
activation of the ignition key.
Responds to +12 V
(24 V) from the junction box. Check whether voltage is present in the
connection conductor during starting as well.
– signal
LED indicator
– install it in a visible place on the
White and black
(position 10) –
“Lock” White and blue
(position 11)
– central locking control outputs. Ground current switching
(max. 200 mA), the length of the impulses is adjustable.
Black - ground
- connect to the original grounding points.
Red - +12V (24V) power supply
- connect to the power supply from
the battery. Only switch on the power supply after a thorough check of
the entire installation !
2x brown
– immobilizing circuit (max. 8 A permanent, 12 A at peaks).
AUX output
– selectable function of the output, see table in
paragraph 7 – works as a power supply of external sensors, where it
sw12 V/20 mA, or as bus communication for CR-11A modules
or MCB-02 set in the “output module” mode.
RJ connector
– used for programming of the device through GD-04P,
or for connection of the CU-08RF RFID PIT and card reader.
Orange and brown and orange and green
– (CAN-L, CAN-H) a pair of
twisted conductors for connection of a CAN bus.
3. Inserting a SIM card and switching on the device for
the first time
1. Before inserting the SIM card
– deactivate its PIN code protection and
mark its phone number. We recommend you to delete all the entries in the
phone directory of the SIM card.
2. Inserting the SIM card
– use a thin object to press the yellow pin for
extension of the SIM card holder (front side of the alarm), insert the SIM
card into the holder with the conductive contacts facing upwards and
carefully push the holder back to the stop.
3. Install the enclosed GSM antenna – CAUTION, the car alarm must not
be connected to the power supply without the GSM antenna
connected and this antenna must not be installed on any metallic
We recommend you to install the antenna under the dashboard
on one of the plastic parts of the dashboard.
4. Install the enclosed GPS antenna
- we also recommend you to install the
antenna under the dashboard, but you can also install it on a metallic profile
as it is fitted with a magnet on the bottom side marked with a silver self-
sticking label.
CAUTION, there must not be any other metallic objects
over the GPS antenna
and there is a rule for proper functioning of the GPS
module that the bigger is the angle of the sky the antenna sees through the
windshield, the more accurate is the GPS localization.
5. Check the wiring
and connect the power supply. Faster flashing of the LED
after connection to the power supply indicates login of the device to the
GSM network; wait for the LED to go out (for up to 1 minute). Then, the
alarm is logged in to the GSM network.
If the LED does not go out within 1 minute, the network login was not
successful. In such a case switch off the power supply, remove the SIM
card, check the SIM card contacts for cleanness, insert it in a mobile phone
and check whether connection can be established in the particular location.
Also check whether the PIN code of the SIM card has been deactivated. If
the connection check with the use of the mobile phone is successful, return
the SIM card to the car alarm and repeat the entire procedure.
4. Basic settings
The car alarm can be set in several ways. The simplest one is using remote
access through the GSM network and the C-Link application, which can be
downloaded from the manufacturer’s website www.jablotron.cz. Or you can use
the GD-04P programming tool to interconnect the car alarm with a computer and
perform the settings with the C-Link application again. Another option is
programming individual functions using SMS commands. Individual functions
and formats of SMS commands are described below.
Device reset
To make the device work in accordance with your requirements, you must first
set the logic of its behaviour with the RESET command. If you want to use the
car alarm in such a way that it will be controlled with JABLOTRON key tags, you
must set RESET 1. To perform the reset, send the SMS command to the phone
number of the SIM card in the car alarm. Successful RESET is confirmed by 4
CAUTION, RESET causes restoration of the default settings of all the
parameters and at the same time all wireless sensors and controls are
deleted from the car alarm memory.
Command format: MCcode RESET 1
Example of the device reset command:
1234 RESET 1