ACSetup programme
Positioning module IMD20, IMD40
Inputs dialogue box
The positioning module disposes of three digital inputs for two limit switches, an enabling signal and
as signal for the motor temperature sensor. The allocation of the signals to the inputs can be made at
random, apart from the enabling signal which is always to be led to input 4 (hardware connection of
input 4 with final stage release).
The actual status of the inputs can be read via the LEDs. This display corresponds to the state as it is
evaluated by the control (light green = input is active, grey = input is not active).
In order to test the limit switch on one axis, said axis can be displaced to the limit switches by means
of a Teach dialogue (move axis). If the activation of the limit switches via the emergency stop chain
of the plant would lead to the switch-off of the final stages, the option <Shunt limit switch> can be
used to set an output of the final stage that should be used to separate the limit switch of this axis
from the emergency stop chain.