Positioning module IMD20, IMD40
ACSetup programme
ialogue boxes affect the internal values only and can then be saved in a file.
Online operation
In the online operation, the change of a parameter is saved both in the ACSetup programme as well
as in the module.
For this reason, two sets of parameters have to be aligned with each other, as soon as the online
mode is activated. For this, first of all, all parameters of the module are read in. Then, these values
can be compared to those of the setting programme. In case of discrepancies, the system asks, in
which direction the adjustment is to be carried out, i.e. if the set of parameters of the module is to be
copied into the setting programme or vice versa.
In this way, it is e.g. possible to load a finished set of parameters from a file into the module. The
loaded parameters can then be permanently stored in the module (e.g. via the Object Directory
dialogue box).
For the activation of the online mode, use the Enable / Disable Online Mode menu command. The
current state is also given in the status bar.
Before the online mode can be enabled, it might be necessary to first of all set the parameters of the
interface and the active connection. See also RS232 / CAN settings.
Choose Active Connection
The data communication with the positioning module can be realised either via the serial interface
RS232 or via CAN. The Active Connection CAN / RS232 command is used to select a connection,
before the online mode is switched on.
the ACSetup programme must, of course, be
gramme functions
ate a data connection
The positioning module IMD20, IMD40 can internally store a configurable set of parameters, in which
all drive and control settings are included. If no settings have been carried out yet, the parameters
contain default values.
Furthermore, the ACSetup administers an active set of parameters that is read in, while the DCF file
is opened. During the start of the programme, a default set of parameters is created.
ne operation
If the online mode is not enabled, the ACSetup programme can be used to either edit a set of
parameters from an existing DCF file or to create a new set of parameters. All changes in the setting
The connection parameters on the module and in
identical (baud rate, COM no.) and the interface or the CAN driver must be open.
32 settings
With the Connection / RS232 Settings command, you open a dialogue box in which you can define
the baud rate and the interface to be used. Furthermore, it is shown here, which interface is currently
used or active. The current interface is also given in the status ba