Figure 11-1: IP Context and Related Elements
The IP context undertakes the task of doing all IP related transport of data and voice packets via the
logical interfaces and available gateways. In addition using profiles, which together with the IP
context pinpoint how packets have to be handled for specific services, enhances the possible field of
application. Moreover voice packets are transported via a voice gateway to the CS context for further
processing and forwarding to the PSTN.
11.2 IP Context Overview Configuration Task List
As previously described this chapter outlines the IP context configuration. For that reason it will not
give you all the details of a configuration task, but guides you to the chapters in which you will find
the full description.
All the information you need to configure an IP Interface is to be found in Chapter 12, “IP
Interface Configuration”.
Information regarding network address port translation (NAPT) in Chapter 13, “NAPT
If you need to configure a physical port, Chapter 14, “Ethernet Port Configuration” or
Chapter 16, “Serial Port Configuration” may help you.
To set up the IP router contained within SmartWare, Chapter 17, “Basic IP Routing
Configuration” and Chapter 18, “Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Configuration” gives
you the necessary inside information.
Related to network security requirements, Chapter 19, “Access Control List Configuration”
provides essential knowledge.
Software Configuration Guide, Revision 1.03