Legal Notice
Copyright © 2001 Inalp Networks AG
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission
from Inalp Networks AG.
Inalp Networks AG reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information
contained in this document without prior notice. The information provided is subject to change
without notice.
In no event shall Inalp Networks AG or its employees and associated companies be liable for any
incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to lost
profits, arising out of or related to this manual or the information contained within it, even if Inalp
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Inalp, the Inalp Logo, and SmartNode are registered trademarks of Inalp Networks AG. SmartWare
and SmartView are trademarks of Inalp Networks AG. All other trademarks mentioned in this
document are property of their respective owners.
EU Declaration of Conformity
The EU Directives covered by this Declaration
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive, amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC
Low Voltage Equipment Directive, amended by 93/68/EEC
During the transition period, products may not comply with the Low Voltage Directive.
The Products covered by this Declaration
The products covered by this declaration are the SmartNode 1000 and 2000 family series devices.
The Basis on which Conformity is being Declared
The products identified above comply with the requirements of the above EU directives by meeting
the following standards:
Safety compliance: EN 60950
EMC compliance: EN 55022, EN 55024
The CE mark was first applied in 2000.
Inalp Networks AG
Meriedweg 7
CH-3172 Niederwangen
Software Configuration Guide, Revision 1.03