Accessing the SmartWare Command Line Interface
6.6.1 Warning
You are responsible for creating a new administrator account to maintain system security. Inalp
Networks accepts no responsibility for losses or damage caused by loss or misuse of passwords.
Please read the following sections to secure your network equipment properly.
6.7 Selecting a Secure Password
It is not uncommon for someone to try to hack into a network device. You as network administrator
should do everything in your power to make your network secure. Carefully read the questions
below and see if any applies to you:
1. Are your passwords comprised of (or in any combination of) a pet’s name, birthdays or
names of friends or family, your license plate number, social security number, your favorite
number, color, flower, animal, etc.?
2. Do you use the same password repeatedly? (Example: Your ATM PIN, cell phone voice mail,
house alarm setting code, etc.)
3. Could your password or a portion thereof be found in the dictionary?
4. Is your password less than six characters long?
To prevent unauthorized access you should select passwords that are not dictionary words or any of
the above-mentioned examples. Every password should be at least 6 characters long and include at
least one capital letter, one number, and one lowercase letter.
A good example of a password is:
Right now you are probably asking yourself, “How am I going to remember that?” It’s easy, the
password above is an acronym taken from: “3 blind mice see how they run”. Making a good
password is that easy! But please, don’t use the above example password for your SmartNode
6.8 Configure Operators and Administrators
To secure the system, as well as to enable remote access to the system, you must create operator and
administrator login accounts. These accounts are valid system-wide. Operators and administrators
are allowed to log in directly to the console and through Telnet.
Because of security reasons you have to define new administrator and operator accounts, depending
on your employees and their responsibilities. For more details check the SmartWare
Reference Guide
Only administrators are allowed to create new administrator and operator accounts.
6.9 Factory Preset Administrator Account
As mentioned in Paragraph 6.6, “Log On to SmartWare”, at the very beginning a factory preset
administrator account with name
and an empty password exists in SmartWare. After
adding a new administrator account, the factory preseted administrator account will be
automatically deleted and only the newly created administrator account is available. It is possible to
create more than one administrator account. There has to be at least one administrator account
defined. If for any reason the very last administrator account is deleted, the factory preset
administrator account with name
and an empty password is recreated automatically by
Software Configuration Guide, Revision 1.03