BOBCAT Hardware User’s Manual
Imperx, Inc.
Rev. 2.0.6
6421 Congress Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33487
+1 (561) 989-0006
72 of 265
2.1.4 Center Mode
B0610 and B0620 Models
The „center columns‟ output mode is available in the B0610 and B0620 camera
models. In this mode the image field a reduced number of horizontal pixels located
in the center of the imager – Figure 2.3. When operating in a single output mode, all
pixels are shifted out of the HCCD register towards the left video amplifier – Video
L (Figure 2.4). The resulting image has a normal orientation. When operating in a
dual output mode, the image is split in two equal parts, and full vertical lines. The
first (left) half of the pixels are shifted out of the HCCD register towards the left
video amplifier – Video L, while the second (right) half of the pixels is shifted
towards the right video amplifier – Video R (Figure 2.5). In the horizontal direction
the first half of the image appears normal and the second half is left/right mirrored.
The camera reconstructs the image by flipping the mirrored portion and rearranging
the pixels. The image resolutions for different cameras are shown in Table 2.1, and a
frame rates – in Table 2.2.
Only 1x, 2x Vertical and 1x, 2x Horizontal binning can be performed when
Center mode is used for B0610 and B0620. No Fast Dump support if 2x Vertical
binning is enabled.
When Center mode is enabled, the maximum number of lines is 480.
Due to image artifacts B0620, in the Center mode the image is reduced to 224