BOBCAT Hardware User’s Manual
Imperx, Inc.
Rev. 2.0.6
6421 Congress Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33487
+1 (561) 989-0006
29 of 265
1.3.3 Bayer and TRUESENSE Pattern Information
Bobcat is available with Monochrome or Color CCD imager. To generate a color
image a set of color filters (Red, Green, and Blue) arranged in a “Bayer” pattern, are
placed over the pixels. The starting color is typically
for Kodak CCDs and
for SONY CCDs – Figure 1.3.
Panchromatic (“clear”) pixels (Pixel 1,1) added to standard Red, Green, and Blue
Pan pixels provide increased sensitivity by detecting all visible wavelengths.
This provides a 2x – 4x increase in light sensitivity - Figure 1.3a.
Figure 1.3 – Bayer Pattern arrangement.
Figure 1.3a – Kodak TRUESENSE Pattern arrangement.
Pixel 1,1