Installation and Operation Manual
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 93
When an alarm is first registered, it appears on the alarm display and is highlighted in yellow. If the
alarm is short term (that is, two seconds or less), the alarm text is not highlighted after approximately
two seconds. If the alarm continues longer than two seconds, the text remains yellow and the alarm
duration is incremented. When the next alarm occurs, the previous alarm moves down one position.
The CMN-91 unit has enough memory for 100 alarms per input. When 100 different alarm events have
occurred, alarm number 100 is dropped and the most recent alarm is tagged as 01.
To scroll through the alarm list, use the Up/Down navigation buttons.
To erase the current group of alarms, press the CLEAR button.
A GPI output dry contact closure can be used to alert other devices when an alarm occurs.
To set up the GPI, use the UNIT CONFIGURATION
GPIO selection option. See Unit Configuration Setup
Menu (on page 124).
Alarm Status Display
The Alarm Status screen lists all the alarms, the state of each alarm setting, the current alarm limit
selection (if applicable), the current alarm duration (if applicable), and the Accumulated alarm column.
To access the Alarm Setup menu, press and hold the ALRM function button.
To access the alarm status display, use the Alarm setup menu.
To scroll to the Alarm Status selection option, use the Up/Down navigation buttons.
To select the Alarm Status display, press the ENT navigation button.