Installation and Operation Manual
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 61
Selecting Display Options
To cycle through display options, press and release the ZOOM button.
Zoom display options are as follows:
ZOOM positioned on the 0 IRE, 0 mV, or 0% graticule line
ZOOM positioned on the 100 IRE or 700 mV, or 100% graticule line
Normal view
At each Zoom position, the graticule scale and waveform displays expand to provide more resolution
around the zoom point.
Placing the Waveform Display in Line Select Mode
To enable the monitoring of a single line of a video signal, press and release the LINE button.
To view a line in Line Select mode
Press the LINE button to place the selected waveform display in Line Select mode. At the bottom-
center of the display, the Line number and the Odd or Even field appear.
Figure 24:
Establishing Line Select
In a Progressive (p) format, odd and even selections are not available.
Press the Up/Down arrow knob to alternate between Odd and Even fields.
Rotate the Up/Down arrow knob to select the line to be displayed, or press the SHIFT function
button to use the numeric keypad to enter the line number.