Installation and Operation Manual
General Information
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 54
Storing Captured Data
To save the captured data to internal memory, while captured data is shown, press the STORE button.
In addition, the EXPORT selection option can be used to transfer the captured data to a USB device via
the File Navigator dialog box. For more information on the File Navigator dialog box, see File Navigator
(on page 123).
Recalling Captured Data
To recall captured data, make sure the captured data is shown, and then press the RECALL button.
This recalls the captured data from internal memory via the File Navigator dialog box. For more
information on the File Navigator dialog box, see File Navigator (on page 123).
Clearing Captured Data
To clear the frozen information in the frame, press the CLEAR button.
Once the frozen data is cleared from the frame, a new data capture can be performed.