Installation and Operation Manual
Setup Menu Functions
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 129
Normally Closed: The contact closure on the GPO board is normally closed. When the contact closure
opens, the GPO is activated.
GPO Setup: The GPO Setup is used to select what input or alarm the GPO follows. If an
alarm occurs on an input associated with the GPO, the GPO will change its polarity setting. If
Follow Alarms is selected, the GPO will change its polarity setting whenever an alarm occurs
on any input.
IP Configuration: The IP configuration selection option is used to configure the CMN-91 for Ethernet
communication. The Ethernet interface provides a high-speed communication link to the third party
applications (such as SNMP) over standard LAN and Internet networks. The interface conforms to
industry Ethernet standards:
Connection via a standard RJ45 socket
Automatic detection and switching between 10Base-T and 100Base-T
TCP/IP stack is fully compliant with RFC2500, "Internet Official Protocol Standards"
Fully compliant with IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard
The interface can accept a static IP address, or it can obtain an IP address dynamically from a DHCP
server. The IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway Address, DHCP enable, and Port are programmable
from the unit's Ethernet Setup menu. The settings are performed in the IP Configuration screen.
DHCP: The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) function is used to have the CMN-91
automatically configure an IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway every time the unit is
powered on. The IP Address is dynamic and could change each time the CMN-91 is powered on.
DHCP Enable is set to OFF by default.
IP Address: The IP Address is used to select a static IP address (unless DHCP will be used). The IP
address must not be the same address as another instrument or PC on the network. Network
conflicts will occur if two devices have the same IP address. See the System Administrator to
determine a static IP address that will avoid conflicts.
Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask is used to configure the Subnet Mask on a network if DHCP is
not enabled. If DHCP is not used to automatically detect the Subnet Mask on a network, the
Subnet Mask must be manually configured. Unlike the IP address, the Subnet Mask must be the
same Subnet Mask as the network Subnet Mask. See the System Administrator to determine the
Subnet Mask.
Gateway: The Gateway is the network address that provides access to an outside network. Use
the Gateway submenu to configure the Gateway on a network if DHCP is not enabled. If DHCP is
not used to automatically detect the Gateway on a network, the Gateway must be manually
configured. Unlike the IP address, the Gateway must be the same Gateway address as the
network Gateway address. See the System Administrator to determine the Gateway address.
System Time: This selection option allows the setup of the clock display's date and time.
Show Clock: This selection option allows the display of the system clock.
Flash Update from USB: This selection option is used in coordination with a USB memory stick to
update the unit.
Attach the USB stick into the unit.
Select Flash Update from USB in the Unit Configuration setup menu.
Use the File Navigator to select the FLU file.
Press the ENT button to proceed into flash update mode. Flash update status is shown on the
front panel screen.
When complete, "FLASH UPDATE COMPLETE" appears on the screen.