Appendix C
Installation and Operation Manual
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 190
Sensitivity Sensitivity is set by Consecutive Errored Samples (CES). When setting amplitude limits, a
noise spike can exceed the limit while the video amplitude can be within the limit. With the CES set to a
low number, a spike is detected and an alarm is displayed. Set the CES to a higher number to ignore the
fast spike. Each CES occurs at 37ns intervals for SD and 13.5ns for HD. Use this as a guideline to select
the appropriate CES value.
Not all alarms have CES associated with them; in such cases, use the duration to increase or decrease
the general sensitivity.
SER Segment Error Rate. A calculated average of uncorrected transport stream packets vs. total packets
as accumulated over a designated period of time.
SHDW Shadow Tested. When a background program is described as being Shadow Tested, the program
under analysis and monitoring but not shown as PIPs is in the background with no rendering of the
decoded video essence and no display of audio level meters.
Shuffle To swap between 1 of the potential 12 virtual screens that can be defined to contain a group of
program(s) under test. The virtual screen that shuffles to the foreground, either manually or based on a
timer, becomes the PIP mosaic. The virtual screen(s) that switch the background each contain groups of
SHDW program(s).
Signal to Noise Ratio-Analog (SNR) A measurement of the noise level in a signal expressed in dB
(decibels) as a ratio of between the audio or video signal’s maximum peak-to-peak signal voltage and
the measured voltage of noise present when the signal is removed. Higher SNR figures indicate that any
noise introduced by system components will not be perceived in the picture and sound output signals.
Signal to Noise Ratio-8VSB (SNR) As applies to 8VSB transmissions, this is a calculated average power of
the ideal signal divided by the actual demodulated signal power.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Program. A generic method of e-mailing alerts to one or more e-mail
accounts located on known mail servers.
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
Source Any input that can be acquired over a physical channel. Examples include an RF frequency, a
DVB-ASI or a unique network stream from a subnet.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on
IP networks.
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio (see extended definition on the following page)
Standard Definition Television (SDTV) This term is used to signify a digital television system in which the
quality is approximately equivalent to that of NTSC. This equivalent quality may be achieved from
pictures originated at the 4:2:2 level of ITU-R BT.601 and subjected to processing as part of the bit rate
compression. The results should be such that when judged across a representative sample of program
material, subjective equivalence with NTSC is achieved. The displayed picture may be either the
traditional 4:3 or the wide-screen 16:9 aspect ratio.
ST 309 SMPTE standard for Transmission of Date and Time Zone Information in Binary Groups of Time
and Control Code.
STL Studio Transmitter Link