Installation and Operation Manual
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 77
There is an alarm persistence of two seconds associated with any alarm indication. After an alarm has
cleared, two seconds will pass before the gamut indicator returns to normal.
Figure 40:
Component (RGB) Gamut Vector Display Graticule Markings
Description of RGB Gamut Indicators
Lower Gamut Ring
The lower gamut ring indicates the RGB Gamut alarm Lower limit.
When the RGB Gamut alarm is enabled and the Lower limit is
exceeded, the lower gamut ring turns red.
Upper Gamut Ring
The upper gamut ring indicates the RGB Gamut alarm Upper limit.
When the RGB Gamut alarm is enabled, and the Upper limit is
exceeded, the upper gamut ring turns red.
Vector Excursion Mark The excursion marks help to visualize the minimum/maximum
values of 100% color bars.
Mono indicates the monochrome level of the RGB signal. There is
no alarm associated with Mono.
Placing the Gamut Display in Line Select Mode
To enable monitoring of a single line of a video signal, press the LINE button. This enables Line Select to
monitor individual lines of the entire image.
To view a line in Line Select mode