Appendix B Real-Time Analysis
Real-Time Analysis Overview
Real-Time Analysis (RTA) runs on the instrument computer, performing base calling and assigning a quality
score to each base call.
The software tracks the status of each tile and determines when to advance it to the next process step.
When advancing a tile, RTA outputs a file for the completed step and then starts the next step. Thus, the
software can determine the status of each tile based on which files exist. If RTA is terminated, it saves run
data and can resume processing.
Input Files
RTA requires the following input files:
Cluster intensity files, which contain image analysis results.
, which the control software generates automatically at the beginning of the run. From this file,
RTA reads the run name, number of cycles, whether a read is indexed, and the number of tiles on the
flow cell.
, which is an instrument configuration file in XML format.
, which is a software configuration file in XML format.
RTA uses run parameters entered during run setup, and receives commands from the control software that
include information about when to initiate and the location of
Output Files
Tiles are small imaging areas on the flow cell defined as 1 field of view by the camera. For each tile that is
analyzed, RTA produces a set of quality-scored base call files and filter files as primary output. Other files
support generation of primary output files.
Base call files—For each tile that is analyzed, 1 compressed base call (*.bcl) file is generated for each tile
per cycle. The base call file contains the base call and associated quality score.
Filter files—Each tile produces filter information that is included in 1 filter (*.filter) file for each tile over the
whole run. The filter file specifies whether clusters pass filter.
Cluster location files—One cluster location (*.locs) file contains the X,Y coordinates for every cluster on the
flow cell.
Statistics files—For each cycle, 1 statistics file (*.stats) is produced. The statistics file contains aggregate
statistics for the cycle.
Primary output files are used for subsequent data analysis. Use bcl2fastq for demultiplexing and conversion of
.bcl files into FASTQ files, which can be used as input for alignment. To convert data from the HiSeq, use
bcl2fastq 1.8.4, or later.
RTA provides real-time metrics of run quality stored as InterOp files. InterOp files are binary files containing
tile, cycle, and read-level metrics, and are required for viewing metrics in Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV).
For viewing metrics generated by RTA, use SAV v1.8.20 or later.
For details about each output file, see
Document # 15011190 v03
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.