Normal Stop (End of Cycle)—Stops the run after the current cycle is complete, and then places the
flow cell in a safe state.
Immediate Stop—Stops the run without completing the current operation and does
place the
flow cell in safe state. You cannot resume a run that was stopped with this option.
Select from the following RTA options:
Keep As Is—The run is stopped without any modifications to RTA. The run can resume where it was
Complete For Run—RTA is stopped. The run info, run parameters, and recipe files are updated to
reflect total cycles as the last cycle completed. Then RTA restarts to complete base calling for the run
up to the point the run was stopped. The run cannot be resumed.
Complete For Read—RTA is stopped. The run info, run parameters, and recipe files are updated to
trim the length of the current read to the last cycle completed. Subsequent reads are not affected.
Then RTA restarts to complete analysis for the current read. The run can resume at the beginning of
the next read.
When the run is stopped, select Return to Start on the Run Overview screen.
The Welcome screen opens.
Resume a Stopped Run
Use the following steps to resume a run that was stopped using a normal stop option with an RTA option that
allows the run to be resumed.
If the adjacent side is performing cluster generation or paired-end chemistry, the run resumes when the
ongoing process is complete.
From the Welcome screen, select Sequence, and then select Resume Run.
From the Resume screen, select the appropriate run folder from the drop-down list.
The software resumes a run at the point where it was stopped, and defaults to the correct setup on the
Resume screen.
Confirm the following default settings or select the appropriate point at which to resume the run. For more
information, see
Example Settings for Resuming a Run
Resume At—The read or point in the run to resume.
Start At Cycle—The cycle to resume.
Do not select the point of paired-end turnaround, other than for Read 2 Primer rehybridization.
Select Next to proceed.
The software guides you through the remaining run setup steps.
Example Settings for Resuming a Run
If the run was stopped after imaging lane 1 at cycle 23, the software automatically sets the resume run
settings for Read 1 at cycle 23. The Resume screen displays these settings as follows.
Resume At: Read 1
Start At Cycle: 23
Document # 15011190 v03
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
HiSeq 2000 System Guide