3. Be sure to check all other fuses even if you
find one that appears to have burned out.
4. Replace the blown fuse by pressing a new
fuse of the same rating into place. The fuse
should be a snug fit. If it is not, have the fuse
clip repaired or replaced by a Hyundai dealer.
If you do not have a spare fuse, you may be
able to borrow a fuse of the same or lower
rating from an accessory you can tempo-
rarily get along without (the radio or cigarette
lighter, for example). Always remember to
replace the borrowed fuse.
1. Turn off the ignition and all other switches.
2. Open the fuse box and examine each fuse.
Remove each fuse by pulling it toward you
(a small "fuse puller" tool is contained in the
relay box to simplify this operation).
Burned out
A burned-out fuse indicates that there is a
problem in the electrical circuit. If you re-
place a fuse and it blows as soon as the
accessory is turned on, the problem is seri-
ous and should be referred to a Hyundai
dealer for diagnosis and repair. Never re-
place a fuse with anything except a fuse
with the same or a lower amperage rating. A
higher capacity fuse could cause damage
and create a fire hazard.
Replacing Accessory Fuses
The fuse box for the lights and other electrical
accessories will be found under the dashboard
on the driver’s side. Inside the box you will find a
list showing the circuits protected by each fuse.
If any of your car’s lights or other electrical
accessories stop working, a blown fuse could
be the reason. If the fuse has burned out, you
will see that the metal strip inside the fuse has
burned through. If you suspect a blown fuse,
follow this procedure:
When replacing a fusible link, never use
anything but a new fusible link with the
same or lower amperage rating. Never use a
piece of wire or a higher-rated fusible link.
This could result in serious damage and
create a fire hazard.