If the CME is deployed, and you has used the CME to initially configure the MBTS, you are
recommended to export the MBTS deployment list through the CME.For details, see
Exporting the
MBTS deployment list and configuration file
in the online help. The principles for the CME to export
the information about the parameter fields are as follows:
If the parameter is configured, the CME exports the value of the parameter.
If the parameter is not configured, the CME cannot export the value of the parameter.
If the CME is not deployed, you can export the template of the MBTS deployment list template the
MBTS Auto Deployment
window in the M2000 client. For details, see
Commissioning Task (Deploying Both the GBTS and the NodeB)
Commissioning Task (Deploying a NodeB When the GBTS Is Normal)
Commissioning Task (Deploying a GBTS When the NodeB Is Normal)
Table 4-9
Parameters for the MBTS deployment list
Parameter Field
The value of this parameter is mandatory to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
Auto Deployment
ID of the type of the commissioning MBTS.
The value of this parameter is mandatory to be exported, and the
parameter can be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
window (If
the CME cannot export the value of this parameter, you need to edit
it manually).
ID of the RNC to which the NodeB belongs
The value of this parameter is mandatory to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
RNC Name
Name of the RNC to which the NodeB belongs.
The value of this parameter is mandatory to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
NodeB ID
eNodeB ID.
The value of this parameter is mandatory to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
NodeB Name
Name of the NodeB.
The value of this parameter is mandatory to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
NodeB ESN1
Electronic serial number of the NodeB active control board (If the
parameter is configured, the value is mandatory to be exported).
The value of this parameter is optional to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
NodeB ESN2
Electronic serial number of the NodeB standby control board (If the
parameter is configured, the value is mandatory to be exported).
The value of this parameter is optional to be exported, and the
parameter cannot be edited in the
MBTS Auto Deployment
3900 Series Multi-Mode Base Station
Commissioning Guide
4 Commissioning the MBTS in GU Mode on the M2000
Issue 02 (2010-07-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.