Section 5
Global Setup Menu Functions
CMN-41 Series Installation and Operation Handbook
Copyright © 2009, Harris Corporation
direction is from the center outward. Select INWARD to reverse the meter
Audio Markers
: This selection option is used to place adjustable markers in the
audio meters. Adjustable markers can be placed in audio meters to show specific
critical levels.
Meter Response
: This selection option is used to display the selected meter
response. Options are VU, Peak, True Peak, VU + Peak, VU + True Peak,
Loudness, Custom, Custom Attack, and Custom Decay. The default selection is
Lissajous Setup
: This selection option is used to set up the display amplitude and
phase relationships between two input signals. Options are Persistence, Attack,
AGC, and Plot.
: This selection option is used to determine how long a data point
(pixel) remains on the display. The range of Persistence is 0% to Infinite. The
default selection is 0%.
: This selection option is the initial intensity that the data point (pixel)
appears in the display. The range of Attack is 1% to Maximum. The default
selection is 50%.
Automatic Gain Control
: This selection option is used to keep the display
visible from very small levels to very high levels.
: This selection option is used to select one of two types of Lissajous
displays. The soundstage selection displays a Lissajous that is rotated so that the
in-phase signals appear on the vertical axis and out of phase signals appear on the
horizontal axis. X-Y displays a Lissajous with the left channel mapped to the
vertical axis, and the right channel mapped to the horizontal axis.
Configure Phase Bar(s)
: Phase bars are used to monitor the instantaneous phase
relationship between two channels of audio. On a vertical audio display the “+”
marking indicates a phase difference of 0°, and the “–” marking indicates a phase
difference of 180°. A properly phased stereo pair produces a phase pointer that
moves within the green zone, whereas a reversed channel produces a pointer that
moves within the red zone.
: This selection option is used to set the phase bar polarity to Normal or
Reverse. The default selection is Normal.
: The effect of higher damping in a phase meter is to show an averaged
rather than a peak value of phase. This selection option is used to set the phase
bar damping to Fast, 1 to 10, or Slow. The default selection is 5.
AES Validity Bit
: The AES Validity Bit is used to detect pulse code modulation
(PCM) audio or non PCM audio. Non-PCM audio can include Dolby or other
digital data.
Timing Setup Menu
The Timing Setup menu is used to set the offset of the reference to the signal. The
Timing Setup selection options are described below; the default selection is Factory.