This option lets you undo
edits that you have made to the doc.
This option lets you redo the undo that you made to the doc. You can also do
This option lets you cut or delete selected portions of your doc. To select text, tap and hold your
stylus to the left of the text that you would like to select and drag it to the right of the end of the text that
you want to select.
This option lets you copy selected portions of your doc. To select text, tap and hold your stylus to
the left of the text that you would like to select and drag it to the right of the end of the text that you want
to select.
This option lets you paste text that has been cut or copied from elsewhere in the doc or from
another doc or application on your organizer. Please note that when you paste from another doc or
application, you can only paste 1,000 characters at a time (this is due to limitations of the Palm OS). To
paste, tap your stylus on the location where you want to move the text and then select Paste from the Edit
nlike standard paste, multi-paste allows you to do a paste of any of your
last 10 'Cut or Copy' operations you made in the document. Just select multi-paste from the menu
and a list appears with the beginning text of each 'Copy'. Select the one you want and it will be
pasted into the document.
Select All
This option enables you to select all of the text of your doc in 1 step. This option is very
handy when you need to change the font and formatting of your doc and for cut/copy/paste operations.
Tapping on Keyboard will bring up the onscreen keyboard on your organizer. This is handy
for those times when you forget your graffiti or are without your Palm Portable or Stowaway keyboard.
This option lets you do a word or phrase search of the document. Tapping on Find will
bring up the following Search This Document dialog box. You can also access this by using the Find
button on your organizer’s screen (under the Calculator button).
Input the text that you want to search for. Tap OK to begin search
If you enable this option, a line will appear for inputting text to replace the found text
and an All checkbox will appear. Tap OK to replace text.
Tap on the checkbox and then OK to do a Replace All operation. Please note that
WordSmith will only replace text from where your cursor is located to the end of the
Match case
Enable this option if you only want the search results to match the case of the search
Whole word only
Enable this option if you only want the search results to contain whole words
(e.g., if you search for “sin,” you won’t get sincere as a result).
Search other applications
Enable this to expand your search to include all of your searchable
applications (other than docs).