MT02_A37_A_TH310_GIVI_ENG rev. E
Pag. 43/44
The position controller
is guaranteed against manufacturing faults for a
period of twelve months from the date of purchase. Any repair must take place at the
Manufacturer’s premises and the Customer shall arrange the delivery of the product, at its
own risk and expense.
The Manufacturer is released from any claim against damages due to the nonobservance
of the mounting instructions which causes the annulment of the warranty terms.
The warranty does not provide for repairing and/or replacement of those parts that have
been damaged by negligence or misuse, improper installation or maintenance,
maintenance performed by unauthorized personnel, transport or any other circumstance
that excludes a manufacturing fault of the product.
Similarly, the warranty does not apply if serial numbers or any data identifying the product
are cancelled or altered in any way, and if product modifications are introduced without the
written authorization of the Manufacturer.
The Manufacturer declines any responsibility for damages to people or properties deriving
from the use of the product, including any loss of profit or any other direct, indirect or
incidental loss.
Any dispute not settled informally shall be
referred to the COURT OF MONZA (MB) –