User Manual
Genevac HT-4X Evaporation System
04-7415 Issue 1-16 August
General cleaning
Cleaning should be performed as and when
required. Depending upon the solvents
being evaporated, this may range from
monthly to after every use.
Wipe down the exterior surfaces of the
system with a dampened cloth or paper
towel; do not apply cleaning solvents to the
condenser pot lid. Inspect and clean the
following parts frequently or following any
incident that involves solvent spillage:
Lid seal
Inside of the evaporation chamber
Inside of the lid.
Use ethanol or methanol applied to a paper
towel or lint free cloth. If the system has
been in contact with biological agents, a
bleach solution may be used.
Sample holders
Clean the sample holders regularly or
following any incident that involves glass
breakage or solvent spillage.
The most common cause of repeat
glassware breakage is fragments, from a
previous breakage, which have become
stuck to the sample holder wells.
Visually inspect the swings and sample
holders to check for any spilled solvent or
debris, especially in the sample holder
wells. Spilled solvent can cause debris to
stick to the sample holders, causing high
points that stress the glassware.
Clean off any adhered dirt or debris by
washing the sample holders in soapy water
or using a cleaning solvent such as
methanol or acetone. The sample holders
should then be rinsed in clean water.
Alternatively, wash in a dishwasher at 90°C.
Check to make sure that all adhered dirt,
debris or solvent residue is removed.
Always dry the sample holders thoroughly
after cleaning and never place wet sample
holders in a Genevac system.
The colouring of sample holders may vary,
in addition repeated use of sample holders
with strong acids may cause colour fading
over time; this is normal and does not affect
the performance or integrity of the sample
Excessive build-up of
deposit on the pivoting faces of
the sample swings and rotor can
cause the sample swings to stick
in the out position when the rotor
stops, resulting in unrecoverable
sample loss.
Scratches or
superficial damage on the
surface of sample holders will
not affect performance, however
if there is any structural damage
(if any part of the swing or
sample holder is bent or
deformed, or if there is any sign
of a crack) do not use it.
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