GE Multilin
F60 Feeder Protection System
MVAR ............. MegaVar (total 3-phase)
MVAR_A......... MegaVar (phase A)
MVAR_B......... MegaVar (phase B)
MVAR_C ........ MegaVar (phase C)
MVARH .......... MegaVar-Hour
MW................. MegaWatt (total 3-phase)
MW_A ............ MegaWatt (phase A)
MW_B ............ MegaWatt (phase B)
MW_C ............ MegaWatt (phase C)
MWH .............. MegaWatt-Hour
N..................... Neutral
N/A, n/a .......... Not Applicable
NEG ............... Negative
NMPLT ........... Nameplate
NOM............... Nominal
NSAP ............. Network Service Access Protocol
NTR................ Neutral
O .................... Over
OC, O/C ......... Overcurrent
O/P, Op........... Output
OP .................. Operate
OPER ............. Operate
OPERATG...... Operating
O/S ................. Operating System
OSI ................. Open Systems Interconnect
OSB................ Out-of-Step Blocking
OUT................ Output
OV .................. Overvoltage
OVERFREQ ... Overfrequency
OVLD ............. Overload
P..................... Phase
PC .................. Phase Comparison, Personal Computer
PCNT ............. Percent
PF................... Power Factor (total 3-phase)
PF_A .............. Power Factor (phase A)
PF_B .............. Power Factor (phase B)
PF_C .............. Power Factor (phase C)
PFLL............... Phase and Frequency Lock Loop
PHS................ Phase
PICS............... Protocol Implementation & Conformance
PKP ................ Pickup
PLC ................ Power Line Carrier
POS................ Positive
POTT.............. Permissive Over-reaching Transfer Trip
PRESS ........... Pressure
PRI ................. Primary
PROT ............. Protection
PSEL .............. Presentation Selector
pu ................... Per Unit
PUIB............... Pickup Current Block
PUIT ............... Pickup Current Trip
PUSHBTN ...... Pushbutton
PUTT.............. Permissive Under-reaching Transfer Trip
PWM .............. Pulse Width Modulated
PWR............... Power
QUAD............. Quadrilateral
R..................... Rate, Reverse
RCA................ Reach Characteristic Angle
REF ................ Reference
REM ............... Remote
REV................ Reverse
RI.................... Reclose Initiate
RIP ................. Reclose In Progress
RGT BLD........ Right Blinder
ROD ............... Remote Open Detector
RST ................ Reset
RSTR ............. Restrained
RTD................ Resistance Temperature Detector
RTU................ Remote Terminal Unit
RX (Rx) .......... Receive, Receiver
s ..................... second
S..................... Sensitive
SAT .................CT Saturation
SBO ................Select Before Operate
SCADA ...........Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SEC ................Secondary
SEL .................Select / Selector / Selection
SENS ..............Sensitive
SEQ ................Sequence
SIR..................Source Impedance Ratio
SNTP ..............Simple Network Time Protocol
SRC ................Source
SSB.................Single Side Band
SSEL...............Session Selector
SUPV ..............Supervise / Supervision
SV ...................Supervision, Service
T......................Time, transformer
TC ...................Thermal Capacity
TCP.................Transmission Control Protocol
TCU ................Thermal Capacity Used
TD MULT ........Time Dial Multiplier
TFTP...............Trivial File Transfer Protocol
THD ................Total Harmonic Distortion
TMR ................Timer
TOC ................Time Overcurrent
TOV ................Time Overvoltage
TRANSF .........Transfer
TSEL...............Transport Selector
TUC ................Time Undercurrent
TUV.................Time Undervoltage
TX (Tx)............Transmit, Transmitter
U .....................Under
UCA ................Utility Communications Architecture
UDP ................User Datagram Protocol
UL ...................Underwriters Laboratories
UR...................Universal Relay
URC ................Universal Recloser Control
.URS ...............Filename extension for settings files
V/Hz ................Volts per Hertz
V_0 .................Zero Sequence voltage
V_1 .................Positive Sequence voltage
V_2 .................Negative Sequence voltage
VA ...................Phase A voltage
VAB.................Phase A to B voltage
VAG ................Phase A to Ground voltage
VARH ..............Var-hour voltage
VB ...................Phase B voltage
VBA.................Phase B to A voltage
VBG ................Phase B to Ground voltage
VC...................Phase C voltage
VCA ................Phase C to A voltage
VCG ................Phase C to Ground voltage
VF ...................Variable Frequency
VIBR ...............Vibration
VT ...................Voltage Transformer
VTFF...............Voltage Transformer Fuse Failure
VTLOS ............Voltage Transformer Loss Of Signal
WDG ...............Winding
w/ opt ..............With Option
WRT................With Respect To
X .....................Reactance
Z......................Impedance, Zone
Содержание F60 UR Series
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Страница 30: ...1 20 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 1 5 USING THE RELAY 1 GETTING STARTED 1 ...
Страница 48: ...2 18 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 2 2 SPECIFICATIONS 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 ...
Страница 96: ...3 48 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 3 4 MANAGED ETHERNET SWITCH MODULES 3 HARDWARE 3 ...
Страница 126: ...4 30 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 4 2 FACEPLATE INTERFACE 4 HUMAN INTERFACES 4 ...
Страница 354: ...5 228 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 5 9 TESTING 5 SETTINGS 5 ...
Страница 382: ...6 28 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 6 5 PRODUCT INFORMATION 6 ACTUAL VALUES 6 ...
Страница 398: ...8 8 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin 8 2 FAULT LOCATOR 8 THEORY OF OPERATION 8 ...
Страница 414: ...A 14 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin A 1 PARAMETER LIST APPENDIXA A ...
Страница 492: ...B 78 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin B 4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIXB B ...
Страница 530: ...D 10 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin D 1 IEC 60870 5 104 APPENDIXD D ...
Страница 542: ...E 12 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin E 2 DNP POINT LISTS APPENDIXE E ...
Страница 558: ...x F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin INDEX ...