EdgeSafe 40G Bypass Modular Network TAP | M40GBP
Version 1.6 Page 68 of 159
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6.47 Get/Set segment link speed (get/set_seg_speed)
The 10G Bypass modules (M10GMS2BP & M10GSS2BP) support dual rate 10G/1G link speed.
The 10G bypass segments can be configured to force the link speed to 1G , 10G or auto.
When it is set to Auto, the 10 Bypass segments autodetect the link speed during the bootup of the
M40GBP unit. In case that no cable is connected to the Monitor or to the Network ports, the segment
speed will be set to the last known speed.
Ctrl.m1s2.10g: M40GBP$ set_seg_speed
set_seg_speed [all] auto|10g|1g
- set segment speed.
all - (optional) set all segments speed,
auto - segment speed will be set
automatically on device power on or reboot,
10g - segment speed will be set to 10Gb,
1g - segment speed will be set to 1Gb.
Ctrl.m1s2.10g: M40GBP$ set_seg_speed all auto
command succeeded.
Ctrl.m1s2.10g: M40GBP$ get_seg_speed
segment speed: 10 Gb/sec (auto)
command succeeded.
Ctrl.m1s2.10g: M40GBP$ get_seg_speed all
****** module 1, segment 1 ******
segment speed: 1 Gb/sec (auto)
****** module 1, segment 2 ******
segment speed: 10 Gb/sec (auto)
****** module 3, segment 1 ******
segment speed: 40 Gb/sec
command succeeded.