EdgeSafe 40G Bypass Modular Network TAP | M40GBP
Version 1.6 Page 66 of 159
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6.43 Get/Set WEB HTTPS state (web_https_state)
The M40GBP Web interface supports HTTPS and HTTP protocol
While the HTTPS is set to OFF (default ON) the Web interface will use HTTP protocol.
6.44 Replacing the default certificate for the web UI (set_cert)
For HTTPS connections with the web UI, the M40GBP has its certificate. By default, the M40GBP
“Factory” certificate can be used to encrypt the connection.
To replace the certificate with one that is signed by your own CA use the command set_cert
set_cert [tftp_server_ip tftp_server_root]
- set new ssl certificate for https connection
tftp_server_ip - tftp server ip address
tftp_server_root - tftp server root directory
6.44.1 Restore the factory default certificate for the web UI (set_cert)
To restore the factory default certificate use the command restore_cert
M40GBP$ get_web_https_state
https: off.
command succeeded.
M40GBP$ set_web_https_state on
command succeeded.
M40GBP$ get_web_https_state
https: on.
command succeeded.
M40GBP$ set_cert tftpboot
command succeeded.
M40GBP$ restore_cert command succeeded.