EdgeSafe 40G Bypass Modular Network TAP | M40GBP
Version 1.6 Page 43 of 159
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6.15.2 Set minimum lag working members (set_lag_min_work_members)
A link failure by one of the LAG segments will cause all the LAG segments to switch to Bypass mode
only of the number of avliable links is the LAG falls below the threshold
The command set_lag_min_work_members defins this threshold
set_lag_min_work_members lag_name count
- set the minimal number of LAG working segments
before LAG switch to expired state.
Ctrl.lag1m1s1.10g: M40GBP$
set_lag_min_work_members LAG2 2
command succeeded.
Ctrl.lag1m1s1.10g: M40GBP$ Ctrl.lag1m1s1.10g: M40GBP$ get_lag
============ LAG2 ==========
lag hb active: on
lag state: tap
application state: unknown
minimum working members: 2
members: m2s1, m2s2
net0: m2s1:up, m2s2:down
net1: m2s1:down, m2s2:down
mon0: m2s1:up, m2s2:down
mon1: m2s1:up, m2s2:down
m2s1: ok
m2s2: failed
command succeeded.
Ctrl.lag1m1s1.10g: M40GBP$