Setting the operating regime
Tkz - The set temperature of the boiler to be heated in the heating regime
Tk - Current temperature of the boiler in any regime
Tbz - The set temperature of the boiler to which the water in it should be warmed.
In this regime, the temperature of the boiler to which it needs to heat is calculated as: Tkz = Tbz + 15
Tb - Current temperature of the boiler in any regime
The boiler must reach the Tkz temperature which is calculated according to the above-mentioned formulas and, if
necessary, switch the heaters on or off according to the rules which are already defined. The pump works in this
regime until the current boiler temperature (Tb) reaches the set temperature of the boiler (Tbz).
Check of the set parameters of Heating and Sanitary water preparation
The overview of the
display changes, by
pressing the OK button,
in order to check
parameters which are
set in the sanitary water
Overview of the HEATING regime is presented
the RADIATOR symbol
The set and current
parameters of the
heating system can be
checked by pressing the
OK button, if the device
is in the sanitary water
Overview in the HEATING regime is presented by
the BOILER symbol
The changed overview remains on the display
for 15 seconds and after that time it returns to
the basic overview. Another way to change the
overview is to press the OK button.