Section 5 – System Operations
initial system programming. This command allows authorized end users to modify the
partition assignments for users. For example, a plant manager may have reason to create
different user codes and change the areas of the plant (partitions) that each specific user can
The partition assignment function allows authorized users (level 1 & 2) to change the
partition access of the various user codes. Note: A level 1 user will be able to change the
partition assignment for users within all partitions, while a level 2 user can only change
partition assignments within the partitions that he is permitted to access.
To enter the partition access section, enter # 7 followed by a level 1 or 2 user code.
Enter the user number (001 – 064 for the XL-4 or 001 – 128 for the XL-5) to be mapped to
various partitions.
SET 1-8
PART 12345678
This display allows assignment or removal of users from each of the 8 partitions. The first
line displays the user being modified (displayed as xxx). The second line shows the partitions
where the user is currently active. For example, if the keypad shows 1 345 then the user is
active in partitions 1 3 4 and 5. Entry of the partition number will toggle the state of that
partition. If the user is already defined within that partition, entry of the number will
remove that user, and vise versa. The display will reflect the current status (the partitions
displayed reflect partitions where the user is active). Upon completion press the
Log Dump Function
The control panel contains a feature that can automatically transmit the system activity log
to a remote or local printer. This action can be programmed to occur on either a daily,
weekly, or monthly basis.
Remote Printer Option
If a remote printer is used for the log dump then the control panel will dial the telephone
number defined as the DUMP phone number and transmit the log dump information at the
defined interval.
In order to utilize the remote log dump printout, the following hardware must be present at
the location where the DUMP telephone number is located:
MODEM: The modem must be a Bell 103 compatible (300 baud), with auto answer
capability. These options must be selected through the dip switches or configuration settings
of the modem. The modem tested by Fire Burglary Instruments is the Hayes Smartmodem.
PRINTER: The printer connected to the modem must contain a serial interface capable of
operation at 300 baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no parity.
Since log dumps can occur at various times of the day it is strongly recommended that this
hardware and the dump telephone number be dedicated and not shared for other
applications. Note: This function has not been investigated by Underwriters Lab,
Local Printer
A serial printer can be used at the control panel location to obtain a printout of the system
log dump information. This requires the use of the FBII model 7130 Serial Printer Interface
Module connected to P1.
Local printer output will occur regardless of a remote log dump transmission if the DUMP
telephone number is defined or a null value (blank) through keypad or remote programming.
The control panel will output the system log information based on the frequency