User Manual
When the C/R button is NOT activated, this is a simple Mute for the Mono Speaker. When the C/R button
IS activated, the Mute button will TOGGLE with the main C/R monitor mute. Thus if we set the Mono
Mute to be OFF whilst the Main Mute is currently ON, cancelling the Main Mute will toggle the Mono
Mute to ON, and the monitors can be A-Bed between MONO and MAIN, using the Main Mute switch.
Conversely, setting the Mono Mute to match the Main Mute will cause them to track exactly (Both either
muted or un-muted).
The EXT ST button
The EXT ST button enables the EXT ST input on the Monitor System. This is a stereo input to the monitors, which is
post Insert return. When EXT ST is activated, the monitoring is switched to Stereo, but the feeds to the Insert Sends
are left as they were. Thus if feeding a Dolby Encoder in LCRS from the Insert sends, The EXT ST input may be used
to monitor LT/RT directly without affecting the feed to the encoder.
CR Monitor Setup Page
SPK2 trim is
applied when
Nearfield Moni-
tors are selected
This selects where
the meter outputs on
the Monitor System
are driven from:
POST Monitor Pot
(Pre Mute); PRE
Monitor Pot (Post
MONO); Post Insert
RETurn or at the
Insert SEND.
SOLO Meters
switch- de-
scribed below.