User Manual
9.3 Custom Pan Laws
Custom pan and divergence laws can be created for each different type of pan available. Touching the Panning
button on the Master Assign page accesses the custom panning page. The Master Assign page is accessed by
either pressing the Assign button on the C.A.P. or by touching the channel name bar in the centre top of the
Channel Configuration page.
Once in this page, various options are available for adjusting the laws for different panning situations. The small
graphs represent the law that will be applied when that type of pan is used. Thus when operating in stereo, the L-R
pan graph is employed. When operating in LCRS, LCRSS or LCRSSB mode, the pan law from left through centre to
right will be governed by the L-C-R law, with the Front-Back law separately defined.
For each type of pan, there are 4 preset laws defined, which may be applied by touching the selector box and select-
ing a different preset.. These presets may be edited by touching the edit button, at which time a variety of different
pan laws and parameters may be changed. The presets may also be renamed.
The main graph shows the level curves for each output from the panning system. Thus for a mono signal being
panned from left to right, on a standard L-R pan law screen, the green line represents how that signal will appear on
the Left Output, and the Red line how it will appear on the Right output as you pan from left to right. In an L-C-R pan,
a yellow line represents the output from the centre channel. The left of the graph represents the pan pot being
panned full left, and the right side of the graph panned full right.
In the Edit screen, the small graph above the main graph shows the sum of the levels at any given pan position. Thus
a flat line indicates that the total output power will be constant across the pan.
Changing parameters has an immediate effect on the pan law for the currently selected channel, i.e. the effect may be
auditioned whilst in the edit page. Closing the edit page and the main panning page leaves that pan law
assigned to that channel. If desired, a pan law may be applied to all channels simultaneously by checking the As-
sign These 4 Formats to All Channels box at the top of the panning screen.
Once set, pan laws are fixed. They cannot be changed by the automation system. They are however stored with
Titles. The automation stores knob positions, not absolute level values. Thus a previously automated pan may be
changed by changing the pan law for that channel, but this change will not be stored unless the title is updated.
Accurate automated reproduction of a pan depends on the correct pan law being in place at the time of playback, as
recalled from the title.
When the "Assign These 4 Formats to All Channels" is pressed, then all channels are set to use the same presets,
and any channels using a preset which is edited will register the change in law made in the edit.